Testing and Assessment

ITSEC offers Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, and Red Team solutions to assist in the discovery of shadow IT, Zero Days exploits, and other vulnerabilities and full assessment of the impact on security and business and assist in closing the gaps and security of your organization.


Testing and Assessment Services

Security testing and assessment can prevent an organization from data breaches, vulnerabilities exploitation and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure components. IT SEC has an outstanding experience providing qualitative security testing and assessment services through highly qualified cyber security specialists. Checking security of your infrastructure and assets under our expertise will provide you with the best testing resources to prevent your assets from attacks. Our wide range of security testing and assessment services provides:

ITSEC Testing and Assessment Services
ITSEC Ongoing information on the security holes

Ongoing information on the security holes of your infrastructure and critical assets.

ITSEC Identification of new vulnerabilities

Identification of new vulnerabilities associated to IT environment changes within your organization.

ITSEC Discovered vulnerabilities

Recommendations on how to remediate the discovered vulnerabilities.

ITSEC Cloud environment inspection

Entire cloud environment inspection for security deficiencies.

ITSEC Avoidance of reputation damage and revenues loss.

Avoidance of reputation damage and revenues loss.

ITSEC Identified issues and security risks

Comprehensive reports containing in-depth details on identified issues and security risks.


Types of Testing and Assessment Services

The impact of a DDoS or Ransomware attack in an organization can escalate to paralyzing all business’s operations and significant losses in revenues. To mitigate the likelihood of these attacks’ occurrence, solution lies in real simulations of these attacks. Our services cover all main components that build an ideal attack real-life scenario and advanced techniques that can develop security reports. Performing IT SEC’s DDoS & Ransomware simulation solutions will:

ITSEC Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing refers to performing real-world simulated cyber security attacks in order to identify the infrastructure exploitable vulnerabilities and further exploitation of these security holes.

IT SEC’s penetration testing is carried out by specialized ethical hackers which bring a higher value to our service and includes:

ITSEC Penetration testing

Internal & External
Penetration Testing

ITSEC network and infrastructuure penetration testing

Web Application Penetration Mobile Application Penetration Network & Infrastructure Penetration esting.

ITSEC Remote Access security testing

Physical Security Audit & Penetration Testing
Remote Access Security Testing

ITSEC DDoS Testing

DDoS Testing

Impact of a DDoS attack could be devastating for a business as it can lead to significant losses and paralysis of whole business operations.

IT SEC’s DDoS testing service provides controlled, legitimate and realistic DDoS attack simulations in order to validate DDoS defenses in place and prepare your organization for the event of a DDoS attack. Test the security posture of your organization through DDoS testing and receive:

ITSEC DDos attacks

A wide range of DDoS attacks types and patterns.

ITSEC evaluation of DDoS attack

Evaluation of your DDoS attack response.

ITSEC DDoS attack simulation

Customized DDoS attack simulations.

ITSEC Ransomware Testing

Ransomware Testing

The best way to know how protected is your organization against a Ransomware attack is by testing your infrastructure against a real attack

Ransomware simulation gives complete information on the effectiveness of security measures in place and how vulnerable your IT environment is to such attack.

IT SEC’s Ransomware testing service assures an effective, real ransomware attack simulation in a way that,

ITSEC encryption and decryption process

The entire encryption / decryption process is under your control.

ITSEC ransomware attack

The ransomware attack is totally harmless and does not affect any of your assets.

ITSEC security assessment

The security assessment is performed against different types of ransomware forms.

ITSEC Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud technology is constantly evolving and so does its potential to to expose your data to possible breaches.
Just like every technology which continuously develops, cloud is exposed to more risks and every company has to address these security threats in order to be able to use cloud computing securely.

IT SEC's Cloud Security assessment service ensures that your cloud infrastructure is fully operational and secure.

ITSEC cloud security posture evaluation

Cloud security posture evaluation based on best industry practices.

ITSEC security checks of cloud components

Continuous security checks of cloud infrastructure components.

ITSEC improve cloud security level

Operational and practical recommendations to improve cloud security level. AZUR & AWS

ITSEC Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Designed with the purpose of discovering security vulnerabilities within company infrastructure, vulnerability assessment provides the organization with the necessary information on security weaknesses before they could be exploited, protecting this way its environment from security attacks. IT SEC’s expertise on vulnerability assessment will solve the following challenges

ITSEC protect security gaps

Immediate remedy actions to protect assets and close any security gaps

ITSEC close security gaps

The ransomware attack is totally harmless and does not affect any of your assets. close any security gaps

ITSEC vulnerability exploitation

Reduction of likelihood that your organization will fall victim of a vulnerability exploitation.

ITSEC Custom ScenarioAttack Assessment

Custom Scenario Attack Assessment

The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of organizations’ implemented security measures is by performing scenario-based attacks. Putting this strategy in place offers a closer-to-reality result, where your infrastructure is tested against real attack situations, customized as per your organizations needs and requirements. By performing these assessments, we address:

ITSEC exploits using advanced attack techniques

Real vulnerabilities and exploits using advanced attack techniques.

ITSEC protection simulations

Protection against these attacks using proactive and offensive simulations.

ITSEC respond to real life incidents and attacks

Organizations’ readiness to respond to real life incidents and attacks.

Find Your Weak Spots Before Getting Hacked

Receive a detailed assessment of your IT security through security testing.